BUT but but we all know you can and possibly could lose your money no matter how much you bring so always play what you can afford, but friends please take my advice for what you will i have used this method personally on the new monsters awaken ocean king 3, ocean king 2 monster revenge, tiger strike, phoenix realm, and many more. Like i mentioned earlier with the 3x what you think your going to play, its because ive been there so many times played 3x what i first put in and won by the end of that. This is a safe number in my opinion although there are people who bring more and people who bring less. As far as an amount i would say that will yield good results on a pretty frequent basis to start with, would be 100-120$. When the monster comes back again for the next pass your gonna wanna be back at the beginning of your start of 5 cent a shot and repeat this process but be mindful of your balance while shooting. And continue to raise until the monster has left the screen for this pass. If it does not go down after that 5 shots hit it with 5 shots at 10 cent.

To the start the strategy you need to do 5 shots on any big boss or specialty fish at 5 cent a shot. Not saying everyone already does this but knowing how quickly it can go down the drain its a wise move, especially considering the strategy at play here. My first tip would be to bring 3x what you first intend to play. So the strategy has been used over the past 2 years of knowing about fish and getting used to what to expect on any given visit financially.